Volunteer assignment:

Web Design Assistant


The aim of this project is to make sure PEOI's web site is adequately visible on all platforms, operating systems, browsers, and in the most detrimental conditions. The majority of students PEOI serves are located in developing countries where telephone connections are poor and expensive. Consequently, each viewing session must not be impeded by any difficulties of viewing or navigating PEOI's pages. Concerted efforts have been made at PEOI to keep HTML overhead to a minimum and to avoid the use of images that can take time to load. The appearance is intentionally lean and sober.

The proposed strategy is to form a team of assistants who can interact with one another and share opinions about how best to streamline PEOI's pages and links. It is know for instance that the original of PEOI's pages was made for screens 800x640 pixels, which is larger than smaller screens. Assistants will be expected to come up with a recommendation of how to convert PEOI's pages so that they can be seen on any screen with a minimum of redesigning work.

Another aspect of the project is to optimize PEOI's procedures to make them as easy to use and efficient as needed. Advice will be sought from Web Design Assistance on the appearance and functioning of the procedures.

Additional explanations of PEOI course file structure can be found in the "Authors" section which explains the course files structure. Note however, that the course file architecture will be modified during the summer of 2004, and making sure that the modification does not cause problems is also an area that the Web Design Assistants will be expected to contribute to.

Web Design Assistants are invited to register as staff volunteers with this position description and join the discussion group on web improvement.

All tasks can be carried out from home on your own computer and at your own time. Volunteers can join in forum discussions of issues of common interest. Registration is necessary to participate in a forum. New volunteers are invited to register as volunteer staff members. For more details, Please write a short message indicating the volunteer opportunity you are interested in, attach a recent resume, and email to appropriate person in contact information.

To ask questions, and to offer your comments, criticism or suggestion, please mailto:peoi@peoi.org .