PEOI offers online university level courses free of charge to absolutely anyone in the world. Students from 62 countries are already registered, but only five institutions have become PEOI partners so far. Partner institutions have free access to all PEOI courses and services which include proficiency examinations, special events posting, new course offering announcements and student recruitment at no charge. The role of the country representative is to locate potential partner institutions and inform them of available courses and services from PEOI. The purpose is to reach out to as many institutions and students as possible with the aim of helping disadvantaged individuals become employed professionals. Please visit the "Partners" section for more information.
The country representative will receive printed material from
PEOI that describes the benefits that partner institutions can
derive from partnering with PEOI. Potential partner institutions
can include
- institutions of higher learning: colleges and universities
- professional training centers (governmentalal and private)
- employment promoting organizations
The country representative will be expected to make lists of potential partner institutions that are 1)- in close proximity and fit the profile; 2)- accessible by mail and/or not offering perfect match; 3)- less promising candidates. The lists, together with a plan of action for each prospect, should be emailed to the PEOI program coordinator. The program coordinator will then provide materials and guidance. The country representative will establish contact with propects, report to PEOI on developments and continue to cultivate the relationship between PEOI and the partner institutions.
Please bring your skills to help millions of disadvantaged students all over the world. Thank you for your interest.
All tasks can be carried out at your own time. Volunteers can join in forum discussions of issues of common interest. Registration is necessary to participate in a forum. New volunteers are invited to register as volunteer staff members. For more details, pease write a short message indicating the volunteer opportunity you are interested in, attach a recent resume, and email to the appropriate person in contact information.
To ask questions, and to offer your comments, criticism or suggestion, please .