© 2005 PEOI


Programs of Study

This section gives access to outlines of programs offered or under construction at PEOI. Each program of studies, or curriculum, briefly identifies the professions and/or industries where this field of knowledge is mostly used, differentiates between areas of specialization, specifies recommended prior studies, and lists major courses usually offered. Wherever appropriate, program course material of different level (i.e. introductory or advanced) is pointed out.

At present, many of the courses listed in the programs are not completed. Those that are, are available for students to enroll in, take tests, complete course requirements and receive a certificate of course completion. Students are welcome to read through the courses which are not completed, but tests are usually not available, and grades will not be recorded for these courses. All courses - completed or under construction - can be accessed in the "Courses" section.

PEOI's programs of study are those that prepare for major professions, and do not generally pertain to craft, literary, artistic, leisure, self-improvement or religious activities. At present, programs of study which have been written, are the following:
- Agricultural sciences
- Architecture
- Communication Engineering
- Economics
- Education
- Finance
- Mass communication
- Medicine
- Nursing
- Public Health

In addition to professional programs of study, PEOI is developing language courses since fluency in some key language may be crucial to secure employment. Language programs currently developed are in
- English as a second language

It is PEOI's intention to develop all the courses described in the programs of study. It is PEOI's commitment to make sure the courses reflect a comprehensive body of knowledge of each subject matter by using a variety of sources and teams of contributors. To be completed, a course must contain a variety of learning methods including full text with examples, assignments, exercises, practice questions, cases and extensive testing for assessment of knowledge.

Contrary to educational material found on most university web sites, which consists of lecture notes or assignments, which requires purchase of a textbook and/or attendance in class, and which is intended to support a professor's course lectures, PEOI's courses are designed to be entirely self contained and comprehensive. Our goal is to use the power of the internet to deliver university level courses that contain everything needed for studying in an average college semester, or in self-paced independent study at home.

If you are an educator or a professional in any of the fields listed above, PEOI's courses are intended for you to use as a resource for your teaching and/or life-long learning. PEOI's courses are also an opportunity for you to share and exchange your own knowledge with others. PEOI's courses are developed with the input of volunteers who write, review, comment and edit every piece of learning material. Please consider contributing your skills and knowledge to develop course material in your field (see "Volunteers needed" in the "Support" section and a description of courses in the "Authors" section).

If you are a student, tell your teachers about the availability of PEOI's courses, and ask them to propose a new subject or join one of the teams working on courses under construction at PEOI.

If you are a graduate student completing one of the programs of study, please consider assisting in course development by writing cases, assignments and test questions. There is a lot to do, and many different types of volunteer opportunities are available. You will learn a lot while teaching others.

Please contact us, and let us know what you would like to do. Thank you.

[Your opinion is important to us. If you have a comment, correction or question pertaining to this program of studies please send it to appropriate person listed in contact information or visit forums for courses pertaining to this program.]