

Program of Studies:

  To qualify to teach at the secondary schools students must complete the core courses, the practium, and at least ten courses from electives and areas of concentration.

Core courses:

  1. The Learning Process in the Educational Setting
  2. Schooling and Society
  3. Curriculum Design and Evaluation in Education
  4. Education of Exceptional Students
  5. Counselling

Elective courses:

  1. Integrating Technology in the Classroom
  2. Equity in Education: Theory and Practice
  3. Second Language Perspectives in Education
  4. Social Justice and Global Education
  5. Philosophy of Education
  6. Introduction to Educational Psychology
  7. Principles of Concept Development Across the Curriuculum
  8. Current Learning Theories and Reflective Practice
  9. Portfolio Development

Areas of concentration options:

  1. Teaching Computer Science
  2. Teaching Fine Arts - Drama
  3. Teaching Fine Arts - Instrumental Music
  4. Teaching Fine Arts - Visual Arts
  5. Teaching First Language (English)
  6. Teaching Geography
  7. Teaching History
  8. Teaching Mathematics
  9. Teaching Physical and Health Education
  10. Teaching Second Language
  11. Teaching Science

Putting theory in practice:

  1. Practicum
  2. Professional Seminar

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