Journalism and Mass Communication   © Kalyani Suresh

Assignments for Journalism and Mass Communication
Chapter:2: Theories of Communication

Review Questions

1- What are the classical theories of Communication?
2- How is the Development Communication Theory relevant to developing nations?
3- What is the role of opinion leaders? Explain with reference to communication flow theories.
4- Explain 2 theories that highlight the dynamic nature of communication.
5- What are the elements of communication. In this context explain Shannon-Weaver’s model and Berlo’s SMCR model.
6- Write short notes on:
· Selective perception and retention
· Cultivation theory
· Media dependency
· Spiral of silence
· Uses and Gratification

Test Questions

1- What is your understanding of the questions “What does media do to people?” and “What do people do with the media”?
2- In the light of the powerful effects of the media on its audiences, is there any danger of the media doing more harm than good? Elucidate your answer with recent and relevant examples
3- What is the need for studying media theories?
4- How is Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs relevant as a tool in understanding media uses and gratifications?
5- What is the role of feedback in communication? How does ‘noise’ affect feedback.Elucidate with examples

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