PEOI wants to be at the forefront of course content development in every professional field. PEOI proposes to do that by structuring all its courses as open platforms after the initial setting up of the course. Every faculty member in a discipline is invited to make his/her contribution to improve, update and expand the content of courses. Each modification or addition (other than those pertaining strictly to grammar or style) is initially presented to other faculty members for their peer review before it is adopted. The procedures available in Authors corner are specifically designed to accomplish this as efficiently as possible.
It is our belief that faculty members who make the most significant contributions to course development will attract the largest number of students because number and volume of contributions are shown in Faculty list that students consult to choose their instructor. An author's contribution to PEOI course content can be a stepping stone in his/her professional academic career in the same way other forms of publishing are. The difference is the ease and speed of having a contribution recognized in a PEOI course. PEOI, thus, hopes to attract for each discipline a group of like-minded authors who seek to move fast to the front of their field.
As stated repeatedly on this web site, PEOI does not believe that on-line education is superior to traditional in-class education for most courses. It can only be superior if a student can be assured to receive the most uptodate and comprehensive material that is essential to that student's professional objectives. This is what PEOI wants its competitive advantage to be. Whereas other on-line education providers may rely on software wizardry, deep venture capital pockets, large academic staff or prestigious names, PEOI hopes to attract forward looking academics and professionals who are willing to build with others the most authoritative, complete and cutting edge course content by making their individual contributions and review those of others. Individuals who want to take part in PEOI vision are urged to register with PEOI and start making their contribution.
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