Course development process

To summarize the previous outline of course development:

- it takes place in a number of PEOI's procedure accessible once a volunteer is registered and logged in;

- if no PEOI's course exists, it must first be proposed in "Propose course", and a course files structure must be set up in "List chatpers";

- most PEOI's course content is in a large number of HTML files; to work on this content one uses "Insert into course page", "Import rtf", "Import pdf", "Import html" or "Edit HTML text" procedure;

- various images, video, audio and other documents used in chapter text is uploaded with "Upload images", "Upload audio" or "Upload document"; once the image, audio or document has been uploaded, a link needs to be inserted into the chapter text page, and this is most conveniently done in "Insert into course page" procedure;

- once chatper text is completed, the "Summarize concepts" procedure is used to place anchors into the chapter text, to place links to those anchors with the wording of each concept which usually requires editing, and to seed a review questions file;

- once a review questions file has been seeded, the "Create questions" procedure is used to write, duplicate and edit review questions; the "Create questions" procedure can also be used to seed additional review questions; each review question is linked to a concept in chapter text (that is why review questions are written after chatpers); "Create questions" also seeds test questions data banks;

- once test questions data banks are seeded, the "Edit questions" procedure is used to write, duplicate and edit test questions;

- "Edit cases" is used to create and edit cases, lab work projects, tables and other auxiliary documents;

- "Create class discussion" is used to set up and edit class discussions.

As stated right from the beginning, it is PEOI's intention to create a diverse and flexible environment for student learning. This involves a large number of different files and data banks, and the procedures to create and manage them. The mutliple types of content and procedure obviously create complexity. PEOI's courses are also intented to be as comprehensive as possible, and are consequently usually large. Most courses are developed in teams. To keep track of course work by various volunteers, and to control the progress made in each of its components, PEOI uses a system of tasks that volunteer can assign to themselves. A color code is used to show the progress made in any course file or task. The goal is to turn the color code of all the files in a course to black.

Most volunteers find navigating PEOI's course development platform difficult. Explanations of what, where and how to do the work are provided in part here and mostly in the guidelines to each of the procedures. Reading these guidelines is essential. Creating a course on PEOI can take several hundred or even more than a thousand hours. There is no need to rush. Higher education and quality teaching require accuracy and completeness. This is what PEOI is striving for, and hopefully you will too.


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