Cases, lab work, tables, research finding and class discussions

"Edit cases"

The "Edit cases" procedure allows to create, write and edit cases, lab work projects, tables of empirical data, research findings and other HTML files that are used in chapter text, assignments, review and test questions. Cases are present in professional courses, but rarely in review courses. They are usually made of at two files
- outline of case
- data files such empirical data, graphs, images or financial statements

Outlines of cases are plain HTML files containing the text of the case. They are accessed by selecting from available cases (which review courses naturally do not have). They are edited as any text file discussed previously. Just as for other files, modifications are stored in a temporary directory until verified by PEOI editing staff.

Most financial statements of cases are not accessible at present because of their size. They are normally prepared in a spreadsheet and pasted into an HTML editor, then uploaded to the server.

"List readings"

The "List readings" allows to entry references, citations, links to online relevant material, to upload reference documents (such as research papers and empirical data) into a readings data bank of a course. Once the data bank has the listings, the procedure inserts the information from the data bank into readings sections of the course. Anyone, including students and visitors, can make additions to a course readings data bank, but the listings are inserted into the course readings pages only after verification by an editor.

"Create class discussion"

The "Create class discussion" procedure gives access to PEOI's forum procedure. It allows to create, edit and moderate a class discussion for each chapter of a course. The instructor for the course is normally responsible for creating and moderating class discussions.


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