
What is tutoring?
Tutoring is interacting with a student one-on-one with communication software such as Zoom, Skype or Whatsapp. Tutors give answer questions, and give guidance.
Tutor's name and email will appear at bottom of all course pages of PEOI's course for which he/she is qualified to be a tutor. It is up to students to contact the tutor by email.
There is no mandated schedule, form of interaction between student and tutor, nor limits to the field of issues to be discussed. Although PEOI neither collect fees nor pays fees to volunteers, PEOI does not and will not forbid tutors from asking a fee. In over twenty years of PEOI's existence, to our knowledge no instructor ever chose to assist a student for a fee.

Requirements for a tutor at PEOI
1- completed advanced university degree in subject;
2- have teaching experience;
3- registered as PEOI's tutor; and
4- developed or reviewed selected PEOI's course.

To register at PEOI, the tutor must select in the registration form
1- "Tutor" as one of activities at PEOI;
2- the appropriated field of specialization;
3- PEOI course for which qualified.
Registered authors are not automatically tutors: they must modify their registration in "My registration" after log in.

At PEOI, all authors must be educators, and all instructors must be authors. Every faculty member in a discipline is invited to make his/her contribution to improve, update and expand the content of courses in his/her area of specialization, as well as serve as tutor.

Each time a course page is modified, it is saved into a temporary file so that it can be verified by other faculty members before it is adopted for student reading. The procedures available in "Course pages" are specifically designed to accomplish this as efficiently as possible.

To prepare tutors to student questions, a tutor should either participated in the development of a course content or have reviewed the course. Such review can be materialized by posting a comment in each chapter Comments (y) of a course. In addition, taking an automated comprehensive test can give a tangible feel for what a student goes through studying on PEOI and the type of questions that it raises.

Recognition of PEOI's tutors
It is our belief that faculty members who make the most significant contributions to course development and tutoring will be recognized in their profession because the number and volume of contributions are shown in their PEOI's certificate. An author's contribution to PEOI's course content can be a stepping stone in his/her professional academic career in the same way other forms of publishing are. The difference is the ease and speed of having a contribution recognized in a PEOI's course. PEOI, thus, hopes to attract for each discipline a group of like-minded authors and tutor who seek to move to the front of their field.



 Next: Registration