Volunteer assignment:



PEOI courses need to be translated into several languages such as French, Russian and Spanish. The work of the translator is entirely web based. First, the translator must be registered as such with the registration procedure in "Authors" section. Then, the Edit text or Edit question procedures give access to all course material in all languages. Note that the translator must sign in each time before using the Edit procedures.

Once in the Edit procedure, the content of a chapter appears in TEXTAREA where the translation is to be entered avoiding as much as possible disturbing the HTML tags present in the TEXTAREA. Below the TEXTAREA, the same text is shown as it will appear to students. After completing all corrections in the TEXTAREA, the button "Save" must be clicked to save the text in a temporary directory. After an entire chapter is finished, the translator is expected to notify PEOI by email that the chapter is finished and can be moved to its regular directory. The "Notify that work completed" button can be used for that purpose.

For translation of courses, native language skills are necessary, as well as expertise in the subject matter of the course. Translators are invited to offer examples and additional explanations that are relevant for the countries they live in, in addition to the translation itself.

Aside from translation of courses, there is usually a large volume of general information that PEOI needs to have translated. In particular there are automated email messages and procedures files that can be translated, edited and corrected with a special procedure.

Please bring your skills to help millions of disadvantaged students all over the world, who do not have access to traditional education because of where they live, time constraints or insufficient income. Thank you for your interest.

To write a short message indicating the reasons why you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, and attach a resume to petroff@peoi.org .

To ask questions, and to offer your comments, criticism or suggestion, please mailto:peoi@peoi.org .