Assessing student progress

The Grade Book procedure (shown above) is naturally where an instructor can review the progress of all his/her students. The grades can be retrieved for all the students in a particular course or for all the courses of a particular student. They are viewed sequentially one grade sheet at a time. The grade sheet shows only the grades received for work performed in fulfillment of the grade composition requirement, and only the highest score appears. A complete record of all student work is accessed by clicking on "Show all work" which appears at the bottom of the grade sheet. Student's work only includes grades entered by the instructor or by PEOI for quizzes taken by a student after registering and signing in. By not signing in, a student can practice on quiz questions without leaving a trace.

A student grade history can be compared to other students enrolled with the instructor in a particular course. This should be revealing of the help a particular student may need to improve his/her performance.

The Statistics procedure allows to view averages for all courses, but not grades of individual students. Nevertheless the comparison can be informative.



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