© 2000 John Petroff. Traducción 2006-2007, Miguel Arce
Revisión: Lourdes Sada

Lecturas recomendadas y referencias seleccionadas

Adler, Lee, "Phasing Research into the Marketing Plan", Harvard Business Review, 38, mayo-junio 1960, páginas 113-122.

Blattberg, Robert C., "The Design of Advertising Experiments: Using Statistical Decision Theory", Journal of Marketing Research 16, primavera 1979, páginas 191-202.

Branch, B., "Corporate Objectives and Market Performance", Financial Management, verano 1973, páginas 24-29.

Bunn, Derek W., "The Synthesis of Predictive Models in Marketing Research", Journal of Marketing Research 16 de mayo de 1979, páginas 280-283.

Butler, William, Jr. And Robert A. Kavesh, editors, "How Business Economists Forecast", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966.

Butler, William, Jr. And Robert A. Kavesh, editors, "Methods and Techniques of Business Forecasting", Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1976.

Churchill, Gilbert A., "Marketing Research: Methodological Foudations", 2nd ed., Dryden Press, Hinsdall, Ill, 1979.

Crawford, C. Merle, "Sales Forecasting: Methods of Selected Firms", University of Illinois Press, Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Urban, Ill, 1955.

Crawford, C. Merle, "Marketing Research and the New Product Failure Rate", Journal of Marketing 41, abril 1977, páginas 51-61.

Day, G., "Diagnosing, the Product Protfolio", Journal of Marketing, abril 1977. páginas 29-39.

Dodle, Walter, Richard Staelin and Tsu Yao, "Estimating Response Rates for Different Market Segments from Questionnaire Data", Journal of Marketing Research 17, mayo 1980, páginas 145-252.

Erdos, Paul, "Professional Mail Surveys", McGraw-Hill, New York, 1971.

Ferber, Robert, William J. Hawkes and Manuel D. Plotkin, "How Reliable Are Ntional Retail Sales Estimates", Journal of Marketing 40, octubre 1976, páginas 13-22.

Goodman, Oscar R., "Sales Forecasting", University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1954.

Gross, Charles W. and Thomas W. Knowles, "How to Cope with Realities Or Why Forecasts Go Awry", The Journal of Business Forecasting: Methods and Systems 1, primavera 1982. páginas 6-10.

Gross, Charles W. and Robin T. Peterson, "Business Forecasting", 2nd ed., Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1983.

Hedley, B., "Strategy and the Business Portfolio", Long-Range Planning, febrero 1977, páginas 9-15.

Makridokis, Spyros and Steven Wheelwright, " Forecasting Issues and Challenges for Marketing Management", Journal of Marketing 41, octubre1977, páginas 31-32.

Mendeshall, W.L. Ott and R. Sheaffer, "Elementary Survey Sampling", Wadsworth, Belmont, CA, 1971.

Shouksmith, G., "Assessment Through Interviewing", Pergamon Press, New York, 1978.

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