Professional Education Organization International Fund
755 Bull Hill Road, Conesville - Gilboa, NY 12076

Board of Directors

Resolution 2003-7-11 #16

PEOI reorganization committee

We, the board members of Professional Education Organization International Fund whose names appear below, form a PEOI reorganization committee in accordance with Article 6 Section 2 of PEOI's Bylaws. The mission of the committee is to study and make recommendations on whether PEOI needs to be reorganized in order to accommodate courses beyond unversity level courses (for which PEOI was created) such as those for
- vocational training, and
- general education, including languages in particular.
If a reorganization is found desirable, the committee shall also propose appropriate names and mission statements for the separate divisions.

The committee shall make a full report to PEOI's Board of Directors November 2003 online meeting.

The committee shall be composed of a minimum of three board members, may invite non-board members as participants, and shall function under the same operating rules as PEOI's Board of Directors, as required by Article 6 of PEOI's Bylaws.

Board members who voted on resolution:

 Jeanne M. Henry  abstain
 John Petroff  yes
 Romina Sengara  yes

Absent: Bonnie Bracey,  Yousof Kokcha