PEOI Board of Directors July 1, 2004

Dear board members,

The agenda items for March 2004 online board meeting are presented below.
The supporting material is indicated for each.
A board vote bulletin is supplied for board member voting.

Item #1- executive director's report and strategy update:

It is located at Strategy.
It must constitute a turning point in PEOI's view of what it is,
and its chance of ever becoming the key player in free online education.
It is a call to arms. For, PEOI needs your help. PEOI must reach the authors
who can write the courses PEOI needs: they and PEOI's students have
much to gain. I placed an ad in the Chronicle of Higher Education. It
produced some modest results. This is expensive, but I am ready to
place ads in professional media to recruit qualified volunteer authors
if that is the only way PEOI can find them. What do you think?
Let me know. Is there a publication PEOI in which PEOI should recruit?

Item #2- appointment of new board members:
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #1 appointment of Cauvery Sachdeva Handa as board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #2 appointment of Guilherme Rodrigues as board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #3 appointment of carol Hosay as board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #4 appointment of Peter Wells as board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #5 appointment of Rinku Bhattacharya as board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #6 appointment of anohar john as board member
The links to applicants' CV's will appear in the board member's vote bulletin.

Item #3- removal of non-participating board member
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #7 removal of ALAN MAIN as board member

Item #4- review of PEOI's new course file architecture:

Item #5- authorization to conduct fund raising:
Resolution proposal 2004-7 #8 authorization for John Petroff to conduct fund raising
on behalf of PEOI for the next 12 months

Item #6- next online board meeting:
November 2004

You are reminded that discussion of online board meeting agenda items can
be conducted by exchange of emails addressed to all board members, or by
placing an item as subject of a forum discussion (other than the one pertaining
to the Annual Report). If you do place an item for forum discussion, you
may choose to restrict access to board members only. Board members are
free to express their opinions and participate in discussions or not. However,
board members are required to submit their votes to the executive director by
filling the board member's attached vote bulletin. Failure to return the vote
bulletin properly filled out by July 31, 2004, will constitute a non-participation
in board meeting that may lead to removal from the board. Board members do
not have to wait until the end of the month to submit their vote bulletin: this
can be done anytime, but must be before July 31, 2003.

Thank you all very much for your participation in the discussions, for you vote and
for your support of PEOI.

John Petroff
Chairman of the board